Peanut Butter Cup Flavored Peanuts - Pear's Snacks of Bellevue, NE

Rich creamy peanut butter flavored peanuts AND natural cocoa covered peanuts come together in one bag to make one deliciously, magical snack.  Pear's Peanut Butter Cup Peanuts... this is one tasty mash-up you don't want to miss!

  • 9g Protein per Serving
  • Contains Plant-Based Ingredients
  • No Artificial Preservatives, Flavors or Colors
  • Kosher

Did you know that way back in 1915, an immigrant by the name of Herman Mirowitz started a company called "Herman's Nut House" in Omaha?  He started the business out of his home, roasting peanuts to sell.  A lot happened between then and now, but eventually the company got purchased and consolidated in Bellevue, and is currently lead by Marathon Ventures, another great Nebraska company.

Ready to build your Nebraska Box and include some of these tasty nuts?  Click here!

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